What is the currency in Gambia?
The Gambia’s currency is the Dalasi, with £1 Sterling buying around 50 Dalasi in March 2013 in exchange bureaus, in hotels rates vary from 46 to 48 Dalasi. As with all currencies, the Dalasi rate to the Pound can fluctuate. Dalasi is available in the UK but you will get a better exchange rate in The Gambia. Currency can easily be obtained at most hotels, banks or bureaux de change and there are a few ATM’s where cash can be obtained from a VISA card. The largest note that is available is the 100D and the smallest is 5D.
What is the weather like?
The Gambia is located midway between the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator. The Gambia enjoys virtually uninterrupted sunshine and high daytime temperatures with almost no rainfall from November to June. On the coast, The Gambia experiences only small fluctuations in temperature from winter to summer; however from July to October the humidity level is high as the tropical sun is interrupted by short but spectacular showers. Although the months of heaviest rainfall are August and September, we have found that it has not detracted from our clients’ enjoyment of their holiday. Between January and April, evenings and early mornings can be cooler than people expect.
What is the recent history of the Gambia?
Follow this link to a BBC webpage: Recent Gambian Timeline