Event Booking Form

    Select Event

    Data Protection

    This form is used to collect information about your young person for the purpose of the event named below, this is to be used by the section leadership team only. As part of this form we collect personal data about your young person. This detail is required so that we can register them for the event. This form also collects sensitive (special category) data about your young person, this detail is required so that we can offer additional support if required and keep your young person safe whilst in our care. We may share your personal data in this form with third parties, for event registration. These third parties are used on the basis that they align with our data privacy policies. We take your personal data privacy seriously. The data you provide to us is securely stored [based on local arrangements] and will be kept for 2 months after the event for any queries that arise before being securely destroyed. For further detail please visit our Data Protection Policy available at scouts.org.uk.

    Scout's Details

    Emergency Contact

    (must be contactable during the event)

    Medical Details